Friday, October 31, 2014

Present ⠀ C O U N T R Y A W A R D ⠀ N O M I N A T E D ⠀ V O T I...

Present ⠀ C O U N T R Y A W A R D ⠀ N O M I N A T E D ⠀ V O T I N G | 24 hours Public voting.The winner will be the photographer with most like ⠀ P H O T O| @Gilragagnin P L A C E | Brasil ⠀ A D M I N | @Hormigasan&@Bettofaria S E L E C T E D | IG_All_americas Team⠀⠀ F E A T U R E D T A G | #Ig_All_Americas #Ig_All_Americasbnw #Americas ⠀ M A I L | S O C I A L | Facebook • Twitter M E M B E R S | @Igworldclub_officialaccount ⠀ C O U N T R Y R E Q U I R E D | If you want to join us and open an igworldclub account of your country or city, please write us or go to ⠀ F O L L O W S U S | @Igworldclub @Ig_All_Americas @Ig_Colombia @Ig_Riodejaneiro ⠀ by ig_all_americas ⠀ F O L L O W S U S | @Igworldclub @Ig_All_Americas @Ig_Colombia @Ig_Riodejaneiro ⠀ by ig_all_americas

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