Friday, December 26, 2014

Racists in American Society often hypocrites......

Racists Americans if a Middle Eastern Country killed people based off of minor crimes: That's a barbaric country. All Arabs are terrorists. Islam is a religion of violence. We need to wipe them off of the face of the earth to protect America.

Racist Americans if a Black person committed a minor crime: See he stole something so that means that he deserved to get shot and killed just because he didn't live the life of an Angel."

Republicans/Racists Americans after people talk about gun control after mass shootings: How dare you use a tragic event with people dying to further your political views"

Benghazi happens/Police are killed: This is all Obama's fault. This is the fault of the leaders who were "Anti police" They need to be voted out of office. The protesters have blood on their hands because they incited violence against police."

Racists Americans when a few black people riot for a murdered black man: See they are all Animals. We don't riot."

Racists Americans: Ignore and/or excuse the number of riots white people have started over things like sports/pumpkins"

Racists Americans: "All Blacks are thugs/criminals. All Arabs are terrorists. All Hispanics are illegals immigrants"

Racists Americans: "Whoa not all cops. Not all white people are racists. Don't judge an entire group just by the actions of a few."

Racists in the Media: Black man shot by the police. Digs up back ground and whether else they can to say that the black man deserved to die because he wasn't an angel. Dehumanize the victim in death."

Racists in the Media: White man/boy shoots up people. Including the killing of school children. How he was a good boy Goes all out to say how the shooter was raised up in a good childhood. Acts like the shooter is less at fault because of Mental Illness. Blames the system for it's failure in treating Mental Illness. Makes out the shooter to be a victim by saying that bullying may have pushed him to do it. And whatever else they can discuss to make the shooter not seem like a Cold Blooded killer."

Racists Americans" Pretend like Racism hasn't played a part in American history and how Blacks treated have been treated in the justice system. Pretend that Racism has gone away and that it still doesn't play a part in how blacks are treated in the justice system."

You know that this is the truth. Think about the bullshit that is the racial double standard American Society."

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